Repair or Replace?

If your HVAC system has broken down or is experiencing issues, common sense traditionally dictates that your best bet is to get it fixed and extend its operating life for as long as possible. The truth is it’s not always that simple. If you have a newer unit, a repair may be all you need to make it as good as new. If it’s an older unit, however, replacing it with a modern and new energy-efficient model could add up to significant savings on your home energy bills.

Most air conditioners and heat pumps have a lifespan of approximately 10 to 12 years, while furnaces are expected to operate for 15 to 20 years. If your system is towards the end of its life expectancy, chances are that a replacement will save you money in the long run.

The following are some key signs you should look out for while deciding whether to replace or repair your HVAC system:

Performance Declines

If the rooms in your house are no longer heating or cooling to the set temperature on your thermostat, that’s a sign that your unit is in decline. Older systems do struggle to heat or cool homes consistently, which is an early sign that it should be replaced.

Frequent Repairs are Needed

We’ve all been on that car repair roller coaster before. We tell ourselves that we’ll just fix it one more time, but the next time it needs another repair we fix it again. Your HVAC system is like the engine that powers your house. Once you start experiencing frequent repairs, that’s a huge sign that your HVAC system is at the end of its life. Naturally, if the cost of repair is greater than the cost of a replacement, it’s time to replace that HVAC regardless.

Increasing Energy Costs

As an HVAC system ages, it gradually becomes less efficient and burns more fuel to compensate for its loss of power. Look back at your last few years of energy bills. If you’re using significantly more energy this year than at the same time and season last year than the year before, that’s a sign that your HVAC unit either needs servicing or, in a worst-case scenario, replacement. If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain and cuffs.

Keep in mind that replacing your HVAC unit won’t just lower your energy consumption but improve the air quality in your home as well. A newer system will be much more capable of keeping your indoor air clean and breathable while eliminating pollutants like dust, dirt, debris, and dander.

Contact a Continental HVAC Dealer today and consult with them on whether to repair or replace is your best option.